COVID-19 and Safety In the Dental Office


The RCDSO has issued new guidelines for dentists to re-open. The guidelines may be subject to change at any time as Covid-19 ebbs and flows in the community.
In anticipation of re-opening very soon, I wanted to share some thoughts and advise you of changes in how we operate Thessalon Dental.
As someone who has had two bouts of pneumonia, industrial exposure to asbestos, and having had a lung biopsy, I can assure you that health and safety in the dental office is at the forefront of my mind.
How we operate our office will change. This is mandated by the regulatory body.
All appointments must be made by telephone. We are not allowed to accommodate walk-ins.
If on the day of the appointment you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, fever, new or worsening cough, please call the office to reschedule your appointment.
We will schedule appointments in such a way as to minimize the number of people in the office at all times.
For everyone's protection, our door will remain locked at all times. We will open, and close the doors for you.
Every patient must answer screening questions before booking an appointment, and will be re-screened on the day of their appointment prior to physically entering the office.
Prior to entering the office, you will be asked to wash your hands with soap and water. You will be asked to do so again when you leave the office.
Do not bring a child with you to the office unless that child has an appointment.
No one is to have someone accompany them into the office unless absolutely necessary. Anyone entering the office will be required to wash their hands with soap and water before and after the appointment. The person accompanying a patient must wear their own mask at all times while inside the dental office. We will supply one if you do not have your own. Please advise us in advance if you require someone to accompany you.
Unfortunately, due to the new guidelines and protocols, we cannot see family members back to back. Only the person being treated will be allowed into the dental office at any given time.
Due to increased time demands for protocols between patients, our daily capacity to see patients is substantially diminished.

By taking these mandated steps, we can help keep everyone safe while providing the quality dental care you've come to expect from our team at Thessalon Dental!

Dr. Thomas Detert, Kim Langevin, RDH and Kari McKinnon