Fillings are usually the treatment of choice when dealing with areas of tooth decay that cannot be reversed.
Fillings usually consist of amalgam (metal alloy containing silver, tin, copper, mercury), or resin plastic ("white fillings"), and are placed into a tooth that has a cavity.
At Thessalon Dental, we do not provide amalgam (silver, mercury) fillings.
After numbing the tooth with local anaesthetic, the dentist removes the decayed tooth structure with a dental drill and various hand instruments. Once that is done, the filling material of choice is placed into the tooth and allowed to cure.
Once cured, the filling is adjusted to match your bite, and then polished.
There are a number of factors that affect how long a filling will last. These include:
size of the cavity
location of the cavity
parafunctional habits such as clenching or grinding
your diet
and others.
To maximize the lifespan of your filling you can:
brush effectively at least 2 times daily
floss effectively daily
use a fluoride-containing mouthwash before bed
avoid high-sugar snacks and drinks
if you are a grinder or clencher, use your night guard!
avoid sticky snacks
There is no filling material that can truly replace the enamel on your teeth. The best filling is NO filling -- be sure to do all you can to prevent cavities and the need for dental fillings.