Tooth Replacement

The loss of a single tooth or multiple teeth  can usually be replaced by one of three ways:  an implant-supported crown or bridge, a bridge, or a partial denture.

Currently, we do not offer any tooth replacement services. But we wanted to make you aware of the current tooth replacement options that dentistry has to offer. We have a network of providers that we trust to refer our patients to when they need these services.

Dental implant

A dental implant replaces the missing root of a tooth.  A titanium fixture, which resembles a small bolt, is placed into the missing tooth site and allowed to heal.  After appropriate healing, a crown is then custom-fabricated to be attached to the dental implant.  This option has a good long-term prognosis and is widely considered the best single-tooth-replacement option.  You can brush and floss the implant tooth as you would a natural tooth.

Dental implant and crown replacement a tooth.

Dental implant and crown replacement a tooth.


A bridge is a custom-made prosthesis that is glued to the adjacent teeth of the missing tooth.  The adjacent teeth are reduced in size and shaped to accommodate the bridge.  The bridge prosthesis is then cemented onto the prepared teeth.  Bridges can also be placed on multiple dental implants.  Bridges require extra effort to keep clean.  You must floss underneath the bridge every day or risk losing the teeth that support the bridge to recurrent tooth decay.

Fixed bridge replacing missing tooth, abutment teeth shown.

Fixed bridge replacing missing tooth, abutment teeth shown.

Partial denture

When multiple teeth are missing in the same arch, a cost-effective tooth replacement option can be a partial denture.  Unlike implants and bridges, partial dentures are removable by the patient.  A cast alloy framework supports acrylic teeth.  The denture itself gets its support from the arch, and some or all of the remaining teeth in the arch.  Partial dentures can take a lot of effort to get accustomed to.

We do not offer dentures or partial dentures. We will refer you to a denturist in Sault Ste. Marie.

Removable cast partial denture

Removable cast partial denture

Complete denture

A complete denture replaces all the teeth in an arch.  It is made of acrylic, and sits on the arch, (palate on the upper arch) and gums for support.  These can be stabilized with multiple dental implants for greater chewing ability.  Complete dentures can take a lot of effort to get accustomed to.

We do not offer dentures at Thessalon Dental. We will refer you to a denturist in Sault Ste. Marie.

Complete Dentures

Complete Dentures